Lane v Lane & ors (costs) [2024] WTLR 639

Summer 2024 #195

The claims concerned the estate of Monica Lane (the deceased), who died on 8 May 2019. The deceased’s final will was dated 23 February 2013 (the will). By the will the deceased left her son David her ‘share and interest’ in the partnership (the gift), among other assets. The deceased’s daughter Susan (the first defendant) and David were named as executors.

The first defendant had contended that the deceased became permanently incapacitated shortly before her death, causing the dissolution of the partnership. The argument that the gift failed by ademption and fell into residue had ...

Otitoju v Onwordi [2024] WTLR 655

Summer 2024 #195

Two applications had been made concerning the funeral arrangements of the deceased. In the first application, the claimant (one of the deceased’s children who had the support of her siblings and her mother) applied for an order that she be entitled to possession of the deceased’s body and to make arrangements for its disposal, and for a limited grant of letters of administration (on the basis that the deceased died intestate) under the Senior Courts Act 1981 and an interim injunction restraining the defendant (the deceased’s former partner) from taking possession of the deceased...

Pead v Prostate Cancer UK & ors [2024] WTLR 667

Summer 2024 #195

The claimant applied for a non-party costs order against GWCA Solicitors Ltd (GWCA), which had been joined as the ninth defendant. The application arose out of a claim for the rectification of the will of James Murray McKay deceased (the deceased) or, in the alternative, for a declaration as to the true construction of clause 11 of the will. The will, which had been drafted by a predecessor practice to GWCA, made provision in clause 11 for the division of the deceased’s residuary estate between ‘such of the beneficiaries named in clauses 4.1 to 4.8 inclusive absolutely as shall survive m...

Pierce & anr v Barton & anr [2024] WTLR 679

Summer 2024 #195

By clause 5 of his will dated 2 November 2015 (the will) Malcolm Barton (the testator) gave to his son, the first defendant, a specific bequest which was described as Flat 2, 35 Upper Church Road, Weston-Super-Mare (the flat). The testator died on 12 May 2019. Probate was granted to the claimants who were two of the partners in the firm of Wards, Solicitors (Wards) on 10 January 2020. At the time of making the will and at the time of his death the testator was the sole surviving registered proprietor of a legal charge dated 17 November 2006 over the flat securing the sum of £87,727.52 (t...

Rea v Rea & ors [2024] WTLR 701

Summer 2024 #195

Anna Rea had made wills dated 29 May 1986 (the 1986 will) and 7 December 2015 (the 2015 will).

At first instance, Anna’s daughter (the appellant) claimed to propound the 2015 will in solemn form. Her brothers (the respondents) counterclaimed to set aside the 2015 will, alleging lack of testamentary capacity, want of knowledge and approval, undue influence, and fraudulent calumny. They sought to propound the 1986 will.

The claim had previously been tried and then appealed, ultimately to the Court of Appeal, where a retrial was ordered.

On the retrial, HHJ Hodge KC fou...

Savage v Savage [2024] WTLR 725

Summer 2024 #195

Three parcels of land known as Pleasant Rise and Pleasant Rise Farm were held on trust for the respondent and the four children of his late brother (the siblings, including the appellant). The respondent had a two-thirds interest in the largest parcel of land, a three-quarters interest in the second largest parcel of land, and a one-half interest in the smallest parcel of land. The remaining interests were held by the siblings. The properties included land upon which the appellant ran a business involving a campsite, a tennis court and other facilities.

An order for sale was sough...

Stoney-Andersen v Abbas & ors [2024] WTLR 741

Summer 2024 #195

The issue before the court was costs in proceedings relating to the estate of Vincent William Cashinella (the testator), who died on 25 November 2019. By a will dated 30 May 1995 (the will) the testator appointed his wife, Olwen, and the first defendant, who was married to Olwen’s niece, as executors. The testator’s wife predeceased him and probate of the will was granted to the first defendant alone.

By a Part 8 claim dated 8 September 2022 (the claim), Olwen’s grandniece (the claimant) brought proceedings originally for:

  1. (1) an order removing the first defendant as ...

Withers Trust Corporation Ltd v The Estate of Goodman [2024] WTLR 763

Summer 2024 #195

Hannah Goodman died on 14 July 2020. She was survived by her late husband, Adrian, who himself died on 11 June 2022. The claimant was the Withers Trust Corporation, which was the executor appointed by Adrian’s last will, dated 2 November 2020.

The claimant sought an order pursuant to s2 of the Forfeiture Act 1982 that the application of the forfeiture rule to Adrian’s interest in Hannah’s estate and to his interest in jointly owned assets be modified, so as to give Adrian full relief from forfeiture.

In October 2017, Hannah was diagnosed with lung cancer. ...