Byers & ors v Saudi National Bank [2024] WTLR 443

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Summer 2024 #195

The third claimant (SICL) was a company registered in the Cayman Islands. By transactions which took place between 2002 and 2008 Mr Al-Sanea came to hold shares in five Saudi Arabian companies (the disputed securities) under trusts governed by Cayman Islands law for the benefit of SICL. Cayman and English trust law were the same so far as was relevant to this appeal.

The Grand Court of the Cayman Islands made a winding-up order against SICL on 18 September 2009 pursuant to a petition presented on 30 July 2009. The first and second claimants were appointed as SICL’s joint liquidato...

Byers & ors v The Saudi National Bank [2022] WTLR 437

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Summer 2022 #187

This action related to a transfer in September 2009 of shares in five Saudi Arabian banks, then collectively worth about US$318m, by Mr Maan Al-Sanea (who at that time held those shares) to Samba Financial Group (Samba). The claimants were the liquidators of Saad Investments Company Ltd (SICL). They alleged that Mr Al-Sanea had at the time of the transfer held those shares on trust for SICL. The claimants brought a number of different actions against Samba in respect of the transfer of the shares, formulating the case on various legal bases in the various different actions. The iteration...

Akita Holdings v Turks and Caicos Islands [2017] UKPC 7

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Summer 2017 #168

Mr H was a ‘belonger’ (a citizen of the Turks and Caicos Islands) and appointed as a government minister in 2003, remaining in government until 2008. There was a policy entitling a belonger to apply for a conditional purchase lease over Crown Land subject to certain conditions which, if met, entitled the belonger to purchase the freehold title at a discounted rate, in this case of 50% of the open market value.

In 2004, Mr H applied for a lease and in setting the sale price the government relied on a 1998 valuation of the land resulting in a discounted price of $75,200. Unknown to ...

Williams v Central Bank of Nigeria [2014] UKSC 10

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | June 2014 #140

In connection with a transaction dating back to 1986 the respondent paid $6,520,190 to a solicitor in England to be held in trust on terms that it should not be released until certain funds were made available to him in Nigeria. The solicitor pocketed $500,000 and, in fraudulent breach of trust, paid out the balance to the appellant’s account with Midland Bank in London. It was alleged that the appellant was a party to the fraud. The respondent obtained permission to serve a claim form out of the jurisdiction and an application was made to set aside that permission.

Supperstone J ...

Gabriel v Little & ors [2012] EWHC 1193 (Ch)

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | April 2013 #128

The claimant (Mr Gabriel) and the first defendant (Mr Little) were businessmen and erstwhile friends who had previously collaborated in respect to a project known as Southgate street development in Gloucester. The third defendant (High Tech), the entire share capital of which was owned by Mr Little, was the building contractor. The fourth defendant (BPE), a firm of solicitors engaged by Mr Gabriel, drafted a facility letter recording the terms upon which Mr Gabriel was prepared to make a contribution by way of loan to the cost of the development. In the event, Mr Gabriel was unable to ob...

Bagus Investments Ltd v Kastening [2010] JRC 144

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | December 2012 #125

A Jersey fiduciary services provider known as the Lavy Hancox Group (the LH Group) was, during the 1990s, the forum for fraudulent activities by its beneficial owner, Mr Raymond Bellows (Bellows).

The plaintiff/appellant (a BVI company) was administered by the LH Group. They alleged that the LH Group, unlawfully and without authority, caused US$480,000 to be transferred to an account (the Midland account) held in the name of a subsidiary company, Lavy Hancox Management Ltd.

The defendant/respondent was also in receipt of the LH Group’s fiduciary services: Levy Hancox ...