Re SH [2016] EWCOP 2

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | May 2016 #159

SH, who was aged 93, lived with her granddaughter, FJ, in Walthamstow. She had three sons, two of whom, RL and KLC, also lived in London. In April 2002, RL paid the entire purchase price for his mother’s flat and, by a trust deed, SH acknowledged that he was the beneficial owner subject to her right to live there for as long as she wished on payment of all outgoings. Six years later, on 23 April 2008, SH made two lasting powers of attorney (LPAs), one for property and affairs and one for personal welfare, whereby she appointed RL to be her sole attorney. Subsequently, on 17 July 20...

Re GW; London Borough of Haringey v CM Neutral citation: [2014] EWCOP B23

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | December 2014 #145

GW was diagnosed with late onset Alzheimer’s dementia in 2009. He had lost contact with his sons who apparently live in Australia and only had contact with one niece, CM. GW was sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983 three times and was hospitalised in January 2013 before ultimately being placed in a residential care home. Whilst still in hospital, a safeguarding alert was raised by nursing staff for financial exploitation on the basis of disclosures made by GW about his finances, which suggested that his niece, CM, was withdrawing monies from his bank account without ...