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Jo Summers and Caroline Eady outline the lessons to be learnt from AON Pension Trustees Ltd ‘AON Pension Trustees Ltd v MCP Pension Trustees Ltd [2010] confirms, for the first time, that the protection afforded by s27 of the Trustee Act 1925 can be extended to trustees of pension schemes.’The case of AON Pension Trustees …
Continue reading "Trustees: Keeping track of your beneficiaries"
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Richard Frimston gives an update on the progress of EU regulations affecting cross-border estates ‘There is some uncertainty as to whether England and Wales would recognise separate regimes in relation to movables and immovables, which would be valid under the Hague Convention.’The European Commission (the Commission) thinks that cross-border inheritance tax issues are a growing …
Continue reading "EU And Succession Laws: Are we there yet?"
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