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Jennifer Emms considers the outcome of schemes used to reduce IHT on the family home and outlines best practice ‘While I understand the legal distinction that has been drawn between the Hood case and Buzzoni, the practical result seems to be somewhat arbitrary.’ I am a fan of all things sweet, in particular, cake, whether …
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Paul Ridout and Jelena Serbic report on the Law Commission’s latest proposals for changes to charity law ‘The changes proposed are technical but important, with real practical consequences for charities, including the removal of some of the inconsistencies and complexity that can make charity law difficult to apply and regulate.’ In August 2017 the Law …
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Daisy Brown explores how the courts will apply equitable accounting principles to co-owned trust property ‘The basic principle of equitable accounting between co-owners is that the financial benefits and burdens of the trust property are adjusted between them with reference to the proceeds of sale.’ In the judgment handed down on 7 April this year …
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