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Rory Ashmore assesses the impact of the new light touch regime ‘Light touch regime contracts will benefit from far greater flexibility than those whose procurement is fully regulated under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.’On 9 March 2015, the Cabinet and Crown Commercial Service (CCS) issued guidance on a new ‘light touch regime’ (LTR) for the …
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David Sawtell considers how far good faith can apply to repudiatory breach ‘If the innocent party has no other reason to affirm the contract than to maximise its damages, the court might scrutinise its claim.’If a party is in serious breach of a contract, the so-called ‘innocent’ party needs to know whether or not it …
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Deborah Ramshaw reports on a recent judgment highlighting the pitfalls of disclosure ‘The court found that the council had sought a potentially unfair advantage through its attitude to disclosure; in particular the court found that it was unfair for the council to “pick and choose what documents they provide and when, as it suits them”.’The …
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Lisa Boyd looks at the promotion of SME engagement under the 2015 Public Contracts Regulations ‘Uninformed contracting authorities may not be aware of the new rules on lots and thus fall foul of the “do or explain” regime, which would leave them open to challenge.’Contracting authorities strive to achieve value for money through their various …
Continue reading "Legislation: Small is beautiful"
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Lisa Boyd examines the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in relation to abnormally low tenders ‘Under the old Regulations, an authority had the power to investigate tenders which had been identified as abnormally low, whereas under the new Regulations the authority is required to seek an explanation before it considers whether a tender is abnormally low.’Most …
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Dr Jock Mackenzie outlines the lessons to be learned from Hinchingbrooke Hospital ‘Until both the public and private health sectors truly come to terms with what is actually required to minimise avoidable injuries… there will remain an important role for clinical negligence litigation.’Tuesday 31 March 2015 saw the official end to the first private company …
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Graeme Young and Maria Ziprani assess the impact of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 on variation and termination rights ‘Increasingly, Pressetext type issues are leading to disputes and litigation, where judges in the High Court arrive at opposite conclusions applying the Pressetext test to the facts before them.’Until recently, discussions on contract variations between contractors …
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Katherine Souter reports on Reg 113 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the payment of undisputed invoices by contracting authorities, contractors and sub-contractors ‘Contracting authorities will be required as of March 2016 to annually publish performance data on the internet to demonstrate their performance in paying invoices within 30 days over the foregoing financial …
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In the conclusion to a two-part consideration, Dr Sam De Silva looks at the different types of service levels and the consequences of failing to meet them ‘While defining and establishing appropriate service levels is largely a business function, legal advisors have a role in providing critical input into the language.’Part one of this article …
Continue reading "Contract Performance: Setting the standard"
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Victoria Moorcroft analyses the evaluation of capacity after Lianakis ‘These new procurement regulations come into force for all contract award procedures started on or after 26 February 2015, and they too recognise that in certain circumstances, the experience of the team put forward can be evaluated at the award stage.’It is now nearly ten years …
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