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Practice: Wrong direction

Alison Green and Adam Patterson consider a Privy Council decision that provides a salutary lesson on preparation for, and the conduct of, litigation ‘The decision in Bromfield provides another list of factors as to what will be insufficient for a party to establish a direct interest in property owned by a company.’The decision in Bromfield …
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Recognition Of Overseas Divorce: Deceptive means

Rita Veitch outlines the courts’ approach to recognition of an overseas divorce and the circumstances in which recognition may be refused ‘The court has a discretion to refuse to recognise an overseas divorce and it is on this basis that the wife made her claim.’ With increasing international mobility family lawyers are more and more …
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Law Reform: Ending blame

Rachel Rogers sets out the key aspects of Resolution’s manifesto for law reform, including no-fault divorce ‘Resolution’s parenting charter is intended to support the current and successive governments’ policy aims to support cooperative working during and after divorce, in the best interests of children.’The general election in May 2015 brought a new parliament, a new …
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Trusts: Available assets

Charlotte Conner outlines the challenges when dealing with cases involving trusts ‘This is an area fraught with difficulty as the court is being asked to deal with assets which are not legally owned by either party to the proceedings.’ The recent Court of Appeal decision in P v P [2015] brings into focus key issues …
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Periodical Payments: Road to independence

Lisa Bray summarises the current case law on joint lives periodical payments orders and considers whether there is an increasing trend towards term orders ‘While the starting point is to put each party on the road to independence, the reality is that in recent years we have seen many judges showing a reluctance to make …
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Adoption: New resources

Rachel Cook reviews the new Adoption Support Fund and the support available to adoptive families via the fund ‘The Adoption Support Fund will provide money for a range of therapeutic services identified as helping to achieve positive outcomes, including training on therapeutic parenting and the provision of creative therapies.’On 1 May 2015 the Adoption Support …
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International Focus: Careful planning

Helen Habershon looks at issues that may arise in expatriate divorces and the importance of considering potential areas of dispute at an early stage ‘The country an expatriate client lives in may well determine how to present the petition; for example, if adultery is a factor, in some countries such behaviour may result in imprisonment.’Families …
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Surrogacy: Mind the gap

Marjha Golding-Evans examines a recent decision on single-parent adoption and surrogacy and highlights a legal lacuna ‘At any one time there can be several people who have, or can obtain, legal status in relation to a child born following a surrogacy arrangement, depending on the circumstances of the child’s conception.’The legal world often claps its …
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Costs: A marriage of necessity?

Chrissie Cuming Walters explores the interrelationship between costs allowances and legal services orders ‘The difference between legal services orders and costs allowance orders is that the former is subject to the application of more stringent statutory principles while the latter remains open to wider judicial interpretation and discretion.’The terms ‘costs allowance order’ and ‘legal services …
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Schedule 1: Attention to detail

Che Meakins suggests that when dealing with a limited-means Schedule 1 claim, particular care should be taken to quantify means and needs ‘While Schedule 1 claims are not the same as matrimonial proceedings and ought not to be treated as such, the reality is that matrimonial decisions and rationale do tend to be referred to …
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