Re M 12268561

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | May 2013 #129

M was 70, lived in London and was a successful lawyer and businessman. He suffered a heart attack and then a stroke in December 2012 while abroad on business. This led to M becoming mentally incapacitated although this was not likely to be permanent. N made an application to the court to be appointed as M’s deputy. N was M’s good friend, he lived abroad and was a successful businessman. He had worked with M for many years and had assisted M for some time with the management of his business and financial affairs. N was appointed to act for M under a general power of attorney e...

Re Buckley 12228697

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | April 2013 #128

Miss Buckley executed an LPA on 7 September 2010, appointing her niece, C, as her sole attorney for property and affairs. The LPA was registered on 17 January 2011.

On 20 April 2012, the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) received a complaint about the attorney’s handling of Miss Buckley’s finances and initiated a formal investigation. The OPG instructed a Court of Protection General Visitor to see Miss Buckley, following which, on 23 October 2012, interim orders were made by the court for suspension of the LPA and other protective measures in relation t...