Goodrich & ors v AB & ors [2022] WTLR 525

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Summer 2022 #187

W was the founder of WBL, an internationally renowned publisher of children’s books. In 1989 W instructed solicitors to create an employee trust (WBET) for WBL and transferred 51% of the WBL shares into WBET. The remainder of the shares were divided amongst family trusts established by W.

W died in 1991 and the shares in WBL held by the family trusts were distributed to employees and officers of WBL through a qualifying employee share ownership trust and a share incentive plan. Some of those shares were acquired from employees by the WBL Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP).


Public Children: State versus parents

Alice Twaite looks at ‘hidden’ litigants in person and practical safeguards for parents facing removal of a child ‘Parental efforts to challenge a refusal of legal aid, and aspects of the funding scheme, through judicial review are “stymied” by lack of costs protection, due to the very legal aid ineligibility they seek to challenge.’ Amid …
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Public Children: All change

Elizabeth Isaacs QC highlights new challenges to local authority childcare decisions ‘The importance of careful analysis of the decision making carried out by local authorities at the pre-proceedings stages, as well as during proceedings, cannot be overestimated.’ Childcare practitioners, whether in private practice or working within local authorities, will already be familiar with the multitude …
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