Stoney-Andersen v Abbas & ors [2024] WTLR 741

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Summer 2024 #195

The issue before the court was costs in proceedings relating to the estate of Vincent William Cashinella (the testator), who died on 25 November 2019. By a will dated 30 May 1995 (the will) the testator appointed his wife, Olwen, and the first defendant, who was married to Olwen’s niece, as executors. The testator’s wife predeceased him and probate of the will was granted to the first defendant alone.

By a Part 8 claim dated 8 September 2022 (the claim), Olwen’s grandniece (the claimant) brought proceedings originally for:

  1. (1) an order removing the first defendant as ...

Blades v Isaac [2016] EWHC 601 (Ch)

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | May 2016 #159

The claimant was a member of a class of objects of a discretionary trust created by the will of Valerie Mary Lee who died on 19 June 2013. The defendants, who were partners in Tanners Solicitors LLP, were the trustees (including the sole proving executor). The relationship between the claimant and her elder sister (who had been added to the class of potential beneficiaries after the death of their mother) was affected by a history of strains between members of the family. The first defendant proved the will on 28 January 2014 in relation to an estate valued at £903,574. The second defend...