Matthew & ors v Sedman & ors WTLR(w) 2022-07

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Web Only

Conduct of proceedings: What a difference a day makes

Clare Dixon QC and Nicholas Broomfield consider the Supreme Court’s decision in Matthew v Sedman and whether it represents a departure from the established rule of limitation ‘Midnight deadline’ cases such as Gelmini and Matthew are distinct from cases where the cause of action accrues part way through a day and different principles apply. For …
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Limitation: The stroke of midnight – from writs to rags

Andrew Archer counts every second of a recent decision on limitation ‘Matthew concerned the defendant trustees’ alleged failure to claim under a court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement by the “Bar Date” of 2 June 2011.’ For both Cinderella and the parties in Matthew v Sedman [2019], the clock striking midnight was a make-or-break moment. Matthew is …
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