Covid-19: Governments advise, employers decide – can they require employees to be vaccinated?

Sean Nesbitt weighs up the case for mandatory vaccination as a condition of returning to the workplace Any decision to require vaccination (apart from when exceptions apply) should be part of a wider risk assessment that includes the other measures the employer is putting in place to protect employees. The pandemic continues to have a …
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Litigation: Covid-19 related claims and how to avoid them

Samantha Mackie and Kim Pattullo explain how to reduce the risk of employment tribunal claims arising from the pandemic and resulting economic downturn For employers looking to implement redundancy exercises, it is important that they take the time to ensure their processes are legally compliant. The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly had a profound impact on …
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Coronavirus: Ruling on driver’s face mask objection reveals the road to a fair dismissal

David Jepps examines the first reported employment tribunal decision on whether a dismissal for refusing to wear a face mask was fair Kubilius underlines that employers are at liberty to make their own rules, within reason, and a breach of such rules entitles them to take disciplinary action. Employers and their advisers have been facing …
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