Lonsdale & ors v Wedlake Bell LLP & ors [2024] WTLR 1007

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Autumn 2024 #196

The first claimant brought a claim in his individual capacity as settlor and trustee for professional negligence against the solicitors he had instructed in relation to a settlement made in 1987, which created a discretionary trust (the trust) in favour of a number of beneficiaries including the first claimant’s children. The first claimant intended to benefit his own children (the children) with his nieces/nephews as backstop beneficiaries should the trust in favour of the children fail. However the terms of the trust, which gave the beneficiaries the right to income when they attained ...

IHT Planning: The mist has yet to clear

Vinton v Fladgate Fielder gives some indication of the current approach of the courts towards negligent IHT planning, explains Michael O’Sullivan ‘The judge in Vinton v Fladgate Fielder [2010] considered that the claim for breach of contract brought by the claimants in their capacity as executors did have a real prospect of success, citing the …
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