Schedule 1: All in the past?

Rebecca Stone analyses legal costs orders involving both historic and future costs The judgment in Re Z highlights the importance of solicitors applying for legal funding as early as possible, considering what credit, if any, they are prepared to extend to a client, and making it clear to clients from the outset they will cease …
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Maintenance pending suit: In the here and now

Alice Rogers examines applications for maintenance pending suit and useful practice points arising from a decision of the Court of Appeal As practitioners, we are duty bound to ensure that maintenance pending suit applications are only brought if proportionate and necessary, while advising parties of the litigation risk, particularly in light of the court’s wide …
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Costs Allowances: Back-door costs?

Che Meakins assesses the difference between costs already incurred and those required to fund future litigation on an application for a legal services payment order ‘The decision in BC v DE is a clear reminder that an application in relation to costs incurred in the earlier stages of financial remedy proceedings is perfectly legitimate.’In BC …
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Financial Provision: Interim measures

Ellie Foster and Pippa Hayden highlight the impact of third-party resources on maintenance pending suit The court had to understand the extent of financial support provided to the husband by his family and also to examine the extent to which payments had been made historically to the wife by, or via, that source. The recent …
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