Heyes & anr v Holt WTLR(w) 2024-01

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Web Only

Smith-Tyrrell & anr v Bowden [2018] WTLR 987

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Autumn 2018 #173

The claimants occupied land at Falmouth in Cornwall (the property) initially pursuant to a written agreement for the grant of a 15-year lease from 1 January 1993 at a rent of £400 per annum. The agreement was never signed by the defendant’s parents, who were then the freehold owners, with the result that it did not qualify as a valid agreement for the grant of a tenancy of 15 years, due to failure to comply with the requirements of s2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989. After the expiry of the 15-year period, the claimants continued to pay, and the defendant to ac...