Policy: The green green grass of home

Chris Hoyle reflects on the potential for economic efficiency in the years ahead ‘With the eventual removal of the EU as the ultimate arbiter of the rules of UK public procurement, now is the time to consider adoption of a new approach.’They think it’s all over. Well, it’s only just begun! With apologies to history …
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Termination: Happy endings

Graeme Young and Maria Ziprani assess the impact of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 on variation and termination rights ‘Increasingly, Pressetext type issues are leading to disputes and litigation, where judges in the High Court arrive at opposite conclusions applying the Pressetext test to the facts before them.’Until recently, discussions on contract variations between contractors …
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ADR: Oil on troubled waters

John Sykes looks at the myths and reality of mediation and the public sector ‘Whereas a judgment is public and invariably receives widespread attention, a mediated settlement will usually remain confidential and be better suited to shielding the authority from public criticism.’I first represented a client in a mediation in 1999. It was all about …
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Practice: In suspense

John Houlden and Richard Binns report on Edenred ‘The English courts are now perhaps more willing to maintain automatic suspensions than they have been in the past, particularly if there is a swift expedited trial, providing more balance to potential challengers.’The English High Court has stayed another contract award, perhaps indicating an increased willingness to …
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