Non-matrimonial assets: Looking to the future

Ellen Walker discusses a case concerned with multiple income streams, the application of the sharing principle and the approach to top-up maintenance orders ‘The court does not use the statutory formula when awarding top-up child maintenance, but will look a range of factors, including the child’s needs.’ In CB v KB [2019], Mostyn J provided …
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Periodical payments: Creative accounting

Emma Doughty explores the practical challenges when negotiating periodical payments, with a particular focus on cases involving a high-earning spouse ‘Global periodical payments orders are legitimate provided there is a “substantial ingredient of spousal support”, because such orders do not challenge the jurisdiction of the CMS.’ The decision in AB v CD [2017] illustrates the …
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Schedule 1: Attention to detail

Che Meakins suggests that when dealing with a limited-means Schedule 1 claim, particular care should be taken to quantify means and needs ‘While Schedule 1 claims are not the same as matrimonial proceedings and ought not to be treated as such, the reality is that matrimonial decisions and rationale do tend to be referred to …
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