Day & anr v Day [2013] EWCA Civ 280

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | June 2013 #130

The appellants appealed from a first instance decision by Mr Recorder Chapman QC on 15 May 2012, which refused their application for an order for rectification of a conveyance that was executed on behalf of their mother (Mrs Day) by her solicitor (Mr Froud) who was acting as her attorney. The conveyance was dated 6 June 1985. The conveyance had transferred Mrs Day’s home from her sole name into the names or her and her son (the respondent) as beneficial joint tenants. The purpose of the transaction was to enable borrowing to be secured against the property by the respondent. Mrs Day died...

Rectification: Examining intention and agreement

IBM United Kingdom Pensions Trust Ltd v IBM United Kingdom Holdings Ltd updates the position on rectification and pension trusts. Emily Campbell looks at the implications Frequently, parties cannot remember exactly what was said at meetings (unless it found its way into the minutes). The area of rectification is a fertile source of case law. …
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Contract: The only way is up?

Siobhan Jones and Clare Arthurs assess the lessons to be learned from Scottish Widows v BGC International The courts cannot rewrite contracts simply because the parties failed to consider a particular eventuality or to provide for a particular circumstance, such as a falling rather than rising rental market.There is no such thing as the perfect …
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