Procedure: Bad timing

Jeremy Glover outlines the Corelogic case ‘Claims must be issued and served in the period that runs from the date when a claimant first knew or ought to have known that grounds for starting proceedings had arisen.’The case of Corelogic v Bristol City Council [2013], where Corelogic sought to amend its claim arising out of …
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Practice: Waiting for no man

Jonathan Parker provides a timely reminder of the time limits for bringing a procurement challenge ‘Until recently the [Judicial Review] route provided the benefit of a longer time limit for commencing action. However, following reforms to the judicial review system, claims based on grounds arising on or after 1 July 2013 must be commenced within …
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Update: Challenging behaviour

Jack Hayward reports on a collision between outsourcing and procurement ‘Procurement exercises around adult social care provision, procurement of external ambulance services, and the procurement of providers for social housing have all given rise to controversy and legal challenge by way of Judicial Review.’Outsourcing and procurement can make a toxic brew. When organisations in the …
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