Mark Pawlowski takes a critical look at the rule in Clayton’s case and asks whether it still has application in the context of a tracing claim A rigid application of Clayton’s case, although providing a rule of convenience, can produce results of a highly arbitrary nature. Where a trustee (or other fiduciary) wrongfully purchases an …
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Wills & Trusts Law Reports | November 2014 #144The Dove Trust (the trust) was established by a declaration of trust dated 16 June 1983 for such charitable purposes as the trustees should in their discretion from time to time think fit. It was subsequently registered as a charity.
In 2004 a website for charitable giving called (the website) was established for the purpose of facilitating members of the public to make donations to the trust for the benefit of other charities or good causes of their choice. Donations which were charitable could then be augmented by gift aid, which the trust would claim sub...
Geoffrey Shindler considers how the court dealt with will and trust disputes in 1914 ‘Despite the fact that people have been dying ever since they were born and that trust law in this country is probably 700 years old, we were (and still are) finding problems that the law has not previously resolved.’We are going …
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