Town And Village Greens: Welcome clarification from the Supreme Court

David Shakesby reviews a Supreme Court ruling providing welcome clarification for landowners and developers on rectification of the registers ‘It must be right, in principle, that a bad decision to register land as TVG should not be upheld where there is clear evidence that the decision was wrong.’ On 5 February 2014, the Supreme Court …
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Case And Legislative Round-Up: Keeping up to date

Leona Briggs and Gary Lawrenson provide a snapshot of recent developments in case law and legislation ‘Watch this space! Although the current position is that all qualifying works in a year are to be calculated as one set of works, we understand an application for permission to appeal out of time has been made by …
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Town And Village Greens: Reinforcing the green belt

Gary Pickard looks at some recent cases and the issues to be considered when buying or taking security over open land. ‘A town or village is not limited to a small, chocolate box village green but can consist of any land.’ The last year or so has seen a flurry of cases coming through the …
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