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Swapped Wills: Signing your life away
The Court of Appeal’s decision in Marley v Rawlings was the correct one, as Alexander Learmonth reports ‘The existing cases on s20 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 have already taken rectification about as far as it should go; and there is no scope for using the section to correct other sorts of errors, …
Cases Referenced
Cases in bold have further reading - click to view related articles.
- Guardian Trust & Executors Co of New Zealand Ltd v Inwood [1946] NZLR 614
- Henriques v Giles [2009] ZASCA 64
- Marley v Rawlings [2011] WTLR 595 ChD; [2012] WTLR 639 CA; [2014] WTLR 299 SC; [2014] WTLR 1511 SC (costs)
- Re Chapman [1999] 5 CL 566
- Re Hunt's Goods (1875) LR 3 P&D 250
- Re Meyer [1908] P 353
- Re Morris deceased [1971] P 62
- White & anor v Jones & ors [1995] UKHL 5
- Wood v Smith [1993] Ch 90