Costs: Setting a high standard
The Upper Tribunal has provided clarification on when costs will be awarded for ‘unreasonable’ behaviour. Sarah Heatley explains ‘Martin Rodger QC and Siobhan McGrath, deputy and chamber president of the First-tier Tribunal respectively, were asked to consider what constitutes “unreasonable behaviour” under r13, and how it should be applied in practice.’ The Upper Tribunal (Lands …
Cases Referenced
Cases in bold have further reading - click to view related articles.
- London SW5 Management Ltd [2016] UKUT 290 (LC)
- Ridehalgh v Horsefield [1994] EWCA Civ 40
- Willow Court Management Company (1985) Ltd v Alexander; Sinclair v 231 Sussex Gardens Right to Manage Ltd; Stone v 54 Hogarth Road